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Situs coarse grained modeling
VMD molecular graphics
EMotion (legacy mode archive)
ModeHunter is a Python-based program package for the normal mode analysis of coarse grained elastic networks.  The package includes the classic elastic network model (ENM) algorithm, the bend-twist-stretch (BTS) algorithm for coarse networks from our Situs package, and various useful tools for analysis and animation of modes.
New in 2023: To prepare for an upcoming paper on the use of decoys for refining AlphaFold2 models, we added a new tool eldecoy.py for decoy generation using normal modes. A related new tool traject.py was added for creating animations (trajectories) of mode superpositions. Also, all ModeHunter tools are now compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.
Coarse Grained Normal Mode Analysis of the Ribosome

The software is copyrighted, (c) 2009-23 under the terms of the legal statements in the distribution . Please send any inquiries, bug reports, etc. to modehunter >>at<< biomachina.org.

All materials on this site are copyrighted. Last update